Schedule and Workshops


10:00-10:30 Intros and check-in
10:30-12:00 WORKSHOP BLOCK I
Curry Student Center, Rooms 433 & 435
Designing Meaningful Actions
Nick Jehlen, The Action Mill (

The Action Mill develops meaningful actions – actions that directly create the change a constituency seeks. The best way to understand meaningful action is by looking examples of our work:
*For a group in Philadelphia who’s referenda was knocked off the ballot, we built a parallel voting system so that Philadelphians could weigh in on an important issue.
*For Americans and Iranians seeking a diplomatic solution to the continuing tension between our two countries, we built a system that allows random Americans and Iranians to talk directly to each other about any issue they choose. This workshop introduces the origins of meaningful action and introduces tools that can be used to develop actions.

Direct Action Tactics
Dierdre Lally and Dave Whelpley, students organizers - UMass-Boston
The goal of this direct action training is to quickly orient students to practical street and campus action techniques as well as critical thinking about what action escalations can achieve in campaigns. This highly interactive training will introduce attendees to everything from sit-ins and picket lines, to lock-downs and occupations in campus buildings. We will cover successful media, police and worker liaison techniques and consensus decision making within affinity groups. We will also discuss the steps taken to plan an action and how to take care of yourself and each other before during and after.
12:00-1:00 Pizza lunch (free!)
(Curry Student Center, Room 344)
Local Non-Profit Fair
Student Labor Action Project Open Meeting
1:00-2:00 Problem-Solving Together
(Location: Curry Student Center, Room 344)
2:00-3:30 Workshop Session II
Curry Student Center, Rooms 433 & 435
Know Your Rights!
Adrienne Naylor, Jake Carmen and Andy the Lawyer, Anarchist Black Cross Boston(

The goal of this workshop is to teach students their basic fourth amendment rights, or as Adrienne put it, "How to deal with cops. Your rights on the streets, in yr home, in yr car, at a protest, what happens when you get arrested and go through court. Most of it is general, plus we got some Massachusetts specificity."

Living an Engaged Life: Long Term Political Commitment
Jason Pramas, Open Media Boston (
This workshop will address some ideas and observations about how to remain politically-engaged throughout one's life - and give a sense of the promise and pitfalls of working with various sectors of the American left. The speaker has been active in left politics for over 25 years.
3:30-4:30 Dancing and Next Steps!
The Bahamas Junkanoo Jumpers dance us together at the end of the day! (

Northeastern University Progressive Student Alliance and Boston Students for a Democratic Society lead us through a wrap up and next steps.